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128 NW Eleventh Ave, Portland, OR 97209 · 503-445-3700 · www.pcs.org
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Your search for 'Tony Sancho' returned 4 results
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Tony Sancho Artist

The play's title above a pair of bicycle handlebars adorned with a horse's skull and a bed pan.

Quixote Nuevo

March 2 – 31, 2024

In this modern twist on Don Quixote, a professor imagines himself as Cervantes’ titular hero and sets out for his long-lost love. Featuring vibrant Spanish-infused music and language, this magical retelling spotlights Tejano culture and celebrates life, love, and the human spirit.

Preview image for Reviews of "Quixote Nuevo*

Reviews of "Quixote Nuevo*

"The most extraordinary show I’ve seen at PCS in several years!"

"Energetic and ambitious. A spectacle for the senses. Not a single dull moment."

"The costumes, the set, the puppets, the amazing actors. So much to enjoy. The show had me smiling, crying, and enthralled ...

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