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128 NW Eleventh Ave, Portland, OR 97209 · 503-445-3700 · www.pcs.org
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Your search for 'Robi Arce' returned 3 results
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Robi Arce Artist

Puerto Rican actor, director, mask-maker and physical theater poet, Robi holds an M.F.A. in ensemble-based physical theatre from Dell'Arte International. He has performed, toured, and led workshops in México, Venezuela ...

Preview image for Renaissance: Technically

Renaissance: Technically

September 4, 2020, 7:30 p.m.

Renaissance: Technically invites audiences to climb inside the window of technology as we spin our way into digital storytelling. This project is the first step in an ongoing experiment that strives to blur the edges between the digital world and real life, and investigate the very process of creating and experiencing art. Nine dynamic artists — including poets, musicians, dancers, actors, and visual artists — have come together to devise this virtual theater event. Join us for a multifaceted journey in progress, with a choose-your-own-adventure twist.

Preview image for *Renaissance: Technically* Cast & Creative Team

Renaissance: Technically Cast & Creative Team

Josie Seid on the Creative Team:
“We have visual artists, we have musicians, we have poets, we have people who dance, we have actors, we have singers — so anything can happen. When you get that kind of juice in the room, and all those different kinds of lenses, you have this glorious kaleidoscope of work that’s going to happen.”

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