Your search for 'Peter Ksander' returned 8 results
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Twelfth Night Synopsis & Setting
A detailed summary of the play and the setting of Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare.
Reviews of A Midsummer Night's Dream
"Such a talented cast, using so many skills — from physical comedy to interpretive dance to (obviously) Shakespearian verse with contemporary delivery. We were so impressed!"
"The play's the thing! In addition, great ushers, excellent cocktail, great set, good acting, good choreography, creative costumes. Loved the fact ...
It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play
This heartwarming journey of community triumph is reimagined for the stage as a live radio broadcast complete with a stellar cast, gorgeous music, lavish costumes, and — of course — George Bailey!
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
George and Martha have invited a young couple — Nick and Honey — over for a nightcap. As the drinks start flowing and skeletons claw their way out of their closets, the couples soon learn that marriage isn’t all fun and games. Hilarious and harrowing, one of the theater’s beloved classics, Edward Albee’s dark comedy is as fresh now as it was at its premiere more than 60 years ago.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
One of Shakespeare’s most popular comedies! This beguiling odyssey in an enchanted forest on a very magical midsummer night reminds us that “the course of true love never did run smooth” — so watch your step!
Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley Cast & Creative Team
Meet the cast and creative team for Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley.
Twelfth Night, Or What You Will
When Viola washes ashore, her twin brother Sebastian is lost at sea. Disguises, mistaken identities and unrequited love show them that shipwrecks may be the least of their problems. In one of Shakespeare’s most enduring comedies, everything — love, mischief, music and libations — exists in exciting excess!
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