Your search for 'Patrick Truhler' returned 2 results
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Patrick Truhler Artist
Patrick is excited to be joining Portland Center Stage. Past credits include: The Servant of Two Masters (Truffaldino) and Two Gentlemen of Verona (Proteus) with Annapolis Shakespeare Company; The Taming ...
The Comedy of Errors Staged Reading
Two sets of twins, a shipwreck, and mistaken identities ignite one of Shakespeare’s liveliest and most playful comedies. Join celebrated director Desdemona Chiang and a dynamite cast to find out what happens when madcap physical comedy meets the virtual realm. You’ll enjoy selected scenes from the play and hear directly from the artists involved.
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Portland Center Stage is committed to identifying & interrupting instances of racism & all forms of oppression, through the principles of inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility (IDEA).