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Octavio Solis Artist

Preview image for Making it Nuevo: A Conversation with Playwright Octavio Solis

Making it Nuevo: A Conversation with Playwright Octavio Solis

Considered one of the most prominent Latino playwrights in North America, Octavio Solis has been produced from New York to California and everywhere in between. Read what he has to say about his play Quixote Nuevo, the characteristic humor of the play, and what keeps him writing.

The play's title above a pair of bicycle handlebars adorned with a horse's skull and a bed pan.

Quixote Nuevo

March 2 – 31, 2024

In this modern twist on Don Quixote, a professor imagines himself as Cervantes’ titular hero and sets out for his long-lost love. Featuring vibrant Spanish-infused music and language, this magical retelling spotlights Tejano culture and celebrates life, love, and the human spirit.

Preview image for An Old Story Made New

An Old Story Made New

What to know about Don Quixote de la Mancha (1605) to understand Quixote Nuevo (2019)
Octavio Solis’ play Quixote Nuevo is inspired by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra’s book Don Quixote de la Mancha written in 1605: perhaps the most famous novel ever written in the Spanish language. To understand the play, it is useful to know a little about the original story. 

Preview image for Reviews of "Quixote Nuevo*

Reviews of "Quixote Nuevo*

"The most extraordinary show I’ve seen at PCS in several years!"

"Energetic and ambitious. A spectacle for the senses. Not a single dull moment."

"The costumes, the set, the puppets, the amazing actors. So much to enjoy. The show had me smiling, crying, and enthralled ...

Preview image for Frontera Glossary: Border Glosario

Frontera Glossary: Border Glosario

Quixote Nuevo is a play that welcomes both English and Spanish speakers into its audience. Here are a few words your ear might encounter as you follow Don Quixote on his journey throughout La Plancha, Texas.

Preview image for Casting & Script Submission

Casting & Script Submission

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