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James Rado Artist

The word HAIR above the smiling face of a Black woman with a full afro.


September 30 – November 5, 2023

Let the sunshine in! This revolutionary rock musical follows a group of counter-culturalists whose worlds are shaken by a draft notice for the Vietnam War. HAIR reminds us that our collective voice is a powerful tool for change!

Preview image for Hair: A History

Hair: A History

A quick look at the original creative team, early productions and the musical's lasting legacy.

A gathering of young, long-haired war protesters on a city sidewalk are bordered by a row of armed soldiers along the adjacent street.

1968: The Year that Changed the World

1968 saw the peak of political unrest in all corners of the world. In America, resistance became a way of existence for many citizens, and new musicals of the era like HAIR brought the explicit and present politics of the moment roaring on stage.

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Casting & Script Submission

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