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128 NW Eleventh Ave, Portland, OR 97209 · 503-445-3700 · www.pcs.org
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Your search for 'Divine Crane' returned 4 results
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Divine Crane Artist

A young woman stands speaking demonstratively, holding up a paper in one hand, as an older woman seated at a small writing desk looks on.


What the Constitution Means to Me features a live debate. Debate is an ancient form of competitive discourse that can take many forms.

The play title above a woman's raised fist gripping a scrolled copy of the U.S. Constitution.

What the Constitution Means to Me

January 20 – February 18, 2024

Filled with humor and history, this Pulitzer Prize finalist asks what the Constitution truly means. Heidi Schreck defended the Constitution as a teen in debates, but now she’s investigating its impact on four generations of women in her family.

Liberace and Liza laughing together

The Theater Lover's Bash
Apr 11

Revel in a night full of entertainment as we celebrate where theater comes from, and where it’s going! Enjoy delicious bites from local caterers, a one-night-only production, cash bar, dessert, celebratory dancing, wine wall, paddle raises and bid frenzy activities. All to support PCS!

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