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128 NW Eleventh Ave, Portland, OR 97209 · 503-445-3700 · www.pcs.org
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Your search for 'Danny Thanh Nguyen' returned 2 results
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Preview image for Danny Thanh  Nguyen

Danny Thanh Nguyen Artist

Danny is a writer and kink columnist whose awards include fellowship from Lambda Literary, Ragdale Foundation, and Kundiman. Find him online: @engrishlessons.

Preview image for *Love in the Time of Piñatas* Staged Reading

Love in the Time of Piñatas Staged Reading

October 24, 2020, 7:30 p.m.

Hilarious and deliciously biting, this play brings love, piñatas, and donuts to the fight against injustice, hatred, and oppression in all its flavors (but especially the orange-tinged variety). Using poetry, stand-up comedy, and sweaty go-go dance vibes, writer, performer, and comedian Baruch Porras Hernandez shares stories of his journey as a Queer Latino boy growing up in Toluca, Mexico, and immigrating to California. Grab your party hat and get ready to take a bite of this deep-fried, frosted goodness!

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