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128 NW Eleventh Ave, Portland, OR 97209 · 503-445-3700 · www.pcs.org
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Preview image for Shakespeare’s Collaborators: Sean San Jose & Rosa Joshi

Shakespeare’s Collaborators: Sean San Jose & Rosa Joshi

Meet the theater artists whose collaborative creativity in adapting Shakespeare's words brought this unique production of Coriolanus to life.

Preview image for Reviews of PETE's Productions

Reviews of PETE's Productions

PCS presents PETE's a seagull June 29-July 13,2024, in the Ellyn Bye Studio. Read what critics have said about "a seagull" and PETE's previous productions!

Preview image for The World of the Play: Coriolanus' Rome

The World of the Play: Coriolanus' Rome

Situated on the Tiber River in central Italy, Rome grew from a city to an empire over the course of centuries. Sort out myth from fact with this primer on the historical setting of Shakespeare's Coriolanus.

Preview image for William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

A condensed biography and career timeline of William Shakespeare.

Preview image for A Synopsis of *Coriolanus*

A Synopsis of Coriolanus

Beware spoilers! Primarily based on Plutarch's account of a legendary Roman general, Shakespeare's Coriolanus is a dramatic tale of war, politics, and betrayal.

Preview image for Shakespeare's England

Shakespeare's England

With booming trade, increasing incomes, and a swelling population facing plagues and uncertain food supplies, England during the time of Shakespeare was an era of both prosperity and mortality.

Preview image for Production History & Trivia for *Coriolanus*

Production History & Trivia for Coriolanus

Written between 1605-1608, Coriolanus is based on Plutarch's account of a Roman general and may have been inspired by a period of civil unrest in Shakespeare's era. In more recent times, actors from Morgan Freeman to Ian McKellen to Tom Hiddleston have played the title role in notable productions.

Various props, costume items, and laundry baskets gathered on the floor and stacked on chairs in a backstage area.

Behind The Curtain: Co-Pro!

What is a "co-pro?" Production Coordinator Haille Lantz-Sweeney explains how co-productions are a special collaborative process that allows different theatre companies to join forces, with staff, resources, and creative ideas all working in harmony to create an experience like Quixote Nuevo.

Preview image for An Old Story Made New

An Old Story Made New

What to know about Don Quixote de la Mancha (1605) to understand Quixote Nuevo (2019)
Octavio Solis’ play Quixote Nuevo is inspired by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra’s book Don Quixote de la Mancha written in 1605: perhaps the most famous novel ever written in the Spanish language. To understand the play, it is useful to know a little about the original story. 

Preview image for Frontera Glossary: Border Glosario

Frontera Glossary: Border Glosario

Quixote Nuevo is a play that welcomes both English and Spanish speakers into its audience. Here are a few words your ear might encounter as you follow Don Quixote on his journey throughout La Plancha, Texas.

Preview image for A Picture of Life on the Border

A Picture of Life on the Border

Much of Quixote Nuevo takes place in aging professor Joe Quijano’s “fever dream” as he struggles with encroaching dementia. Throughout the play, we’re provided a window into Quijano’s imagination—a karaoke bar becomes a castle, a herd of sheep sounds like a dragon.

While these fantastical elements are important, the play is ...

Preview image for Making it Nuevo: A Conversation with Playwright Octavio Solis

Making it Nuevo: A Conversation with Playwright Octavio Solis

Considered one of the most prominent Latino playwrights in North America, Octavio Solis has been produced from New York to California and everywhere in between. Read what he has to say about his play Quixote Nuevo, the characteristic humor of the play, and what keeps him writing.

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