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Twist Craig Cackowski Headshot Banner

Fielding your regrets about voting for Bush

Editor's Note: This interview was conducted in 2015 when voting for George W. Bush was the worst misdeed imaginable for Portlanders. Ahh, the good old days. It's probably definitely reasonable to replace "Bush" with a more recent president when reading this interview. 

Second City alumnus Craig Cackowski plays Scrooge in Twist Your Dickens. In the interview below, he shares some highlights from his time in the show. 

Describe your craziest costume change:

Ha! I’m Scrooge, so I’m the one who has it easy. I guess putting on my sideburns before each show?

What is your favorite character in the show (played by you or someone else)?

Ooh, tough call, but Jaime Moyer as profane lounge singer Ruby Santini is a special treat.

What is the best audience misdeed you can recall?

The best one is not suitable for print, but the most common? Portland folks seem really regretful about “voting for Bush.”

What is the most surprising thing that has happened during the run?

Uh, that they’ve hired me back two more times?

Anything you’d like to share with people thinking about coming to the show?

This show is right up Portland’s alley! It’s irreverent but oddly traditional, weird and sometimes profane but with a heart of gold, just like a good Portlander.

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