Supporting PCS Since 2005
Samantha and Paul Harmon have been supporting Portland Center Stage since 2005, and they became monthly donors in 2008. In this interview with Paul, he takes a moment to share why PCS is so important to them.

Tell us a little bit about yourselves.
Samantha is a local Oregonian and I grew up in upstate New York. We met during college in Pennsylvania. She's an accountant and I'm an actuary, but we both love the arts in all their shapes and sizes. We've got two kids, in 5th and 8th grade, who keep us plenty busy. Our other passion is sports, and particularly the Timbers and Thorns, though I'll also throw in enjoying the first unequivocally fun Buffalo Bills season in approximately forever.
How long have you been coming to PCS?
Our first show was Pride and Prejudice in 2005. We are both Jane Austen fans, and that's also when we discovered the under-30 discount.
What is your favorite PCS show?
This is an unfair question! But after some intense debate, it's hard not to give it to the first show that made us buy tickets to see it again and bring everyone we knew. That show was This Wonderful Life in both years it played [2005 and 2006]. This one-man show's humor, precision staging, and energy still continue to bring us fond memories each holiday season.
Why did you choose to become a monthly matching donor?
From a life perspective, we were starting our family, and (corny, but true) we wanted to do our little part to make sure that theater would still be around when we emerged from the infant and toddler years.
From a more practical perspective, my company (Cambia Health Solutions) just makes it so easy via online tools and a year-round match, so you can sign up for regular giving but still get the match on any supplemental efforts that we're able to support.
What upcoming program are you most excited about?
Given our history, Emma is the obvious choice, but we're also very excited to see Young Americans. We like the premise, especially since it will be fun to compare against our own road trip from the East Coast to settle in Portland 20 years ago.
If you are interested in taking the next step to give long-lasting support to PCS as an annual fund donor, explore our Individual Giving options online email
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