Behind the Scenes of "Wild and Reckless"

Laura Carbonell (The Girl) and Eric Earley (The Narrator) rehearsing with Wild & Reckless co-director Liam Kaas-Lentz.

Marty Marquis of Blitzen Trapper during a tech rehearsal.

Co-directors Liam Kaas-Lentz and Rose Riordan during tech rehearsal.

Technical director Derek Easton and director Liam Kaas-Lentz on set.

Director Liam Kaas-Lentz, scenic designer Sibyl Wickersheimer and stage manager Janine Vanderhoff on the set of Wild and Reckless.

Makeup artist Arlen Hizon applies a "lighnting scar" to actor Laura Carbonell for the Wild & Reckless photo shoot.

Marty Marquis of Blitzen Trapper at his costume fitting for Wild & Reckless.
For more behind the scenes, check out early development photos and an interview with the band on the transition from the studio to the stage.
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