Holiday Choirs at The Armory
This holiday season, enjoy live choral music from local groups and schools.
"Winter Song" Album
Want to take Winter Song home with you? Co-creators Merideth Kaye Clark and Brandon Woolley recently produced the Winter Song original cast album.
The Skivvies: 2 Heart 2 Handle
Buyer & Cellar star Nick Cearley and Broadway's Lauren Molina bring their wildly fun "undie-rock" duo to Portland. With special guests! Feb. 16 - 18, 2019. $35
Reviews of "Christmas Memory" & "Winter Song"
It's a happy and satisfying way to spend a chilly afternoon." -EDGEMedia
"A Christmas Memory" and "Winter Song" Cast and Creative Team
Learn about the artists behind our holiday show in the Ellyn Bye Studio.
The World of the Play: "Winter Song"
Get to know Merideth Kaye Clark and explore the creation of Winter Song.
Portland Center Stage is committed to identifying & interrupting instances of racism & all forms of oppression, through the principles of inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility (IDEA).